Monday, December 28, 2009

[FunXone] Present Invention: State-of-The-Art Cucumber Harvester


A field operations subsystem which accomplishes the functions of fruit harvesting, fruit conveying, fruit grading and fruit storage which, in a most preferred embodiment of the present invention, accomplishes the functions utilizing fluid received from the fluid delivery subsystem of the present invention. 

Present Invention: State-of-The-Art Cucumber Harvester - FunXone

That's right folks, if you were lucky enough to stumble across this article, you have the privilege of seeing the latest technology in automated agriculture at work. This invaluable tool comes all the way from Belarus, a country that apparently spares no effort when it comes to investing in new technology. 

Present Invention: State-of-The-Art Cucumber Harvester - FunXone

This revolutionary agricultural device is a state-of-the-art cucumber harvester that uses the newly discovered power of people on their bellies. That's right, people sitting on their bellies being pulled by a tractor. It's simple and effective and I for one can't wait to get my hands on one, cucumber harvesting will never be the same again.

Present Invention: State-of-The-Art Cucumber Harvester - FunXone 

Present Invention: State-of-The-Art Cucumber Harvester - FunXone 

Present Invention: State-of-The-Art Cucumber Harvester - FunXone 

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