Do this analysis by yourself to understand how angry are you?
Everybody gets angry from time to time. A number of statements
that people have used to describe the times they get angry are
included below. Use the guidelines below to indicate how well
each of the following statements describes you. Please answer
every item.
5 = Completely true
4 = Mostly true
3 = Partly false/partly true
2 = Mostly false
1 = Completely false
1. I tend to get angry more frequently than most people.
2. Other people seem to get angrier than I do in similar
3. I harbor grudges that I don't tell anyone about.
4. I try to get even when I'm angry with someone.
5. I am secretly quite critical of others.
6. It is easy to make me angry.
7. When I am angry with someone, I let that person know.
8. I have met many people who are supposed to be experts
who are no better than I.
9. Something makes me angry almost every day.
10. I often feel angrier than I think I should.
11. I feel guilty about expressing my anger.
12. When I am angry with someone, I take it out on whoever
is around.
13. Some of my friends have habits that annoy and bother
me very much.
14. I am surprised at how often I feel angry.
15. Once I let people know I'm angry, I can put it out of my
16. People talk about me behind my back.
17. At times, I feel angry for no specific reason.
18. I can make myself angry about something in the past
just by thinking about it.
19. Even after I have expressed my anger, I have trouble forgetting
about it.
20. When I hide my anger from others, I think about it for a
long time.
21. People can bother me just by being around.
22. When I get angry, I stay angry for hours.
23. When I hide my anger from others, I forget about it
pretty quickly.
24. I try to talk over problems with people without letting
them know I'm angry.
25. When I get angry, I calm down faster than most people.
26. I get so angry, I feel like I might lose control.
27. If I let people see the way I feel, I'd be considered a hard
person to get along with.
28. I am on my guard with people who are friendlier than I
29. It's difficult for me to let people know I'm angry.
30. I get angry when:
_____ a. Someone lets me down.
_____ b. People are unfair.
_____ c. Something blocks my plans.
_____ d. I am delayed.
_____ e. Someone embarrasses me.
_____ f. I have to take orders from someone less capable than I.
_____ g. I have to work with incompetent people.
_____ h. I do something stupid.
_____ i. I am not given credit for something I have done.
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